Affiliate Programs
Local Fairfield Glade Telephone Directories
FGRS acts a distribution point for the Fairfield Glade Telephone Directory. We have no ownership of this directory and do not participate in the data gathering, compilation of information, selling of ads, etc.
We include the Telephone Directory in the Welcome Home bags we distribute to new residents. As we carry a supply of these directories for this purpose, we have become a local distribution point for those wanting a new copy of the directory for their use.
FGRS does not have any direct way to assist residents in the initial entry of their name and phones numbers to be included in the phone book. Instructions for that are included in the current phone book or by email to info@fairfieldgladedirectory.com.
Click here for a flyer with information about the Fairfield Glade Directory 2024
TN SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) / Medicare
Over the last five years, a representative of the TN SHIP/Medicare Program has worked in the FGRS office to assist hundreds of Fairfield Glade residents, as well as Crossville and Cumberland County residents during the Medicare annual enrollment period. Residents bring a list of their regular medications and, using www.medicare.gov, residents can obtain an analysis of various medical drug providers’ drug plan comparisons. Having all this information available helps residents make the most informed decisions regarding which providers have the best coverage, for their particular medical drug needs.
Each year, some residents state that, with the rising cost of prescription drugs, they are now at the point of having to decide whether to buy medicine or buy food. Fortunately, the extensive training the TN SHIP Representative receives from the State also covers various federal and state funding programs, which are available to help those who may be in program-qualifying financial situations.
The three months of annual enrollment are not the only times that TN SHIP can assist residents of the area. Medicare and prescription drug programs are complex; SHIP provides information by offering frequent classes at the Crossville library for those just entering the Medicare Program, or those needing to choose a drug supplemental program (MediGap Plan) for the first time.
Congressman Rose Constituent Services
Congressman Rose and his district staff stand ready to serve as a liaison between residents and the federal government. Areas covered are:
Social Security and Medicare
Internal Revenue Service
Veterans Affairs
Department of State
Citizenship and Immigration Services.
District staff is available at the FGRS office every 2nd Thursday from 11:00 AM until noon.